Leading the way to excellent instruction

If we want every student to have a great education, every school needs great instructional leaders.

We’re a nonprofit organization transforming the way that schools, school systems, and states develop and support instructional leaders.

We work shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders to support teachers in delivering excellent daily instruction in ELA, early literacy, math, and science that helps all students succeed—particularly students of color, students experiencing poverty, multilingual learners, and students with disabilities.


We help leaders support teachers and improve student learning

We work alongside school and system leaders to provide strong instructional support for teachers.

Learn about our school partnerships

We partner with state education agencies and regional service centers, from high-level strategy to on-the-ground school support.

Learn about our state partnerships

We create practical, adaptable, content-specific tools that help leaders drive instructional improvement.

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We test new and innovative strategies for supporting high-quality daily instruction.

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What our partners are saying

In this video, leaders and teachers from Gladstone Elementary School describe how they worked with the Instruction Partners to drive meaningful growth in instruction and student test scores.

Just released

This white paper explores the challenges of defining instructional leadership, particularly when it comes to principals’ role in supporting teaching and learning.

Mockup image of principal role clarity White paper