The Teacher Content Competencies outline the enabling capacity (the underlying teacher knowledge, skills, and mindsets) that 3-5 grade math and ELA teachers need, in partnership with a high-quality curriculum, in order to teach all students effectively.

Just as the standards for student learning create a clear understanding of the outcomes students need to be ready for college and career, the Teacher Content Competencies seek to detail the teacher learning necessary for teachers to provide effective and equitable instruction.

The competencies detail the content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum understanding and beliefs about equity that math and ELA teachers need in order to teach the most important math and ELA content of this grade band; they do not include general pedagogical strategies or overarching professional dispositions.

These documents are complete drafts and are intended for use primarily by professional learning providers. The Instruction Partners team will use the Teacher Content Competencies to provide direction for professional learning in our own organization and to guide ongoing learning about what matters most to student learning. We share this resource freely (CC-BY-SA) in the hopes that those who support teachers may use it where helpful and share feedback to accelerate our collective learning.

Download the ELA Teacher Content Competencies

Download the Math Teacher Content Competencies