This school year is challenging for students, families, and educators, and while communities have passed the first hurdle of reopening during an unprecedented time, many interconnected and complex problems remain. The good news is, you don’t have to solve these problems alone—you are part of a community of leaders.

Wisconsin Mid-Year Reflection & Resources

Traditionally, a mid-year reflection offers teachers and leaders the chance to step back, gather information, and plan in a deliberate way for the rest of the year. This year, it is more important than ever to carve out time to reflect on successes and opportunities. The Wisconsin Mid-Year Reflection & Resources tool was designed for districts/systems and buildings to use it for this purpose. 

One way is to have your district or school team consider data to help focus on one of the five continuous improvement questions during recovery: 

  • How do educators ensure student attendance?
  • How do educators ensure students are connecting?
  • How do educators ensure students are given worthy work?
  • How do educators ensure students are doing the worthy work?
  • How do educators ensure students are learning?

Your district or school team could then analyze relevant data to better understand the core issue(s) and root causes of the focus question. The tool is organized by sub-questions and aligned evidence-based resources. Therefore after the analysis, identifying the sub-questions will allow the team to explore helpful resources.

About Instruction Partners

Instruction Partners is a nonprofit organization providing support to states, educational service districts, and school systems through equitable instruction practices, high-quality instructional materials, and continuous improvement. We keep one foot in practicality and the other in evidence-based best practices, because we believe that leveraging high-quality, grade-level content and providing just-in-time supports will accelerate learning for all students.