Instructional Leadership
Grant overview
The instructional leadership pathway provides you with training, implementation support, and one-on-one coaching to enhance your own and your team’s capacity.
Instructional improvement that’s effective throughout an entire building or district starts with instructional leaders. That’s why instructional leadership is central to Instruction Partners’ mission. We work shoulder to shoulder with Texas LEAs, deepening school and district leaders’ capacity to support teachers and improve learning outcomes for students.
With each partner, we collaborate to build customized plans tailored to their unique needs and goals, including instructional observations, on-the-ground support, close thought partnership, and capacity building.

Our partnership services around instructional leadership include helping leaders:
- Establish a foundational infrastructure and develop tools and resources to support teachers and build capacity
- Facilitate collaborative planning to strengthen unit and lesson internalization of high-quality instructional materials
- Implement short-cycle coaching for teachers and leaders to drive continuous improvement
- Deliver ongoing, job-embedded support for district leaders, school administrators, and instructional coaches to build leadership capacity
- Create expectations and processes for lesson-level data analysis practices
Helpful resources
- Coaching model overview (a Texas Curriculum Support Guide resource)
- Leading the way to instructional excellence in Aldine ISD, TX
- Partner Voices: Woodville Independent School District
Need help navigating TEA grants? Check out our LASO webinar recordings.
Texas education grant services
Instruction Partners wrote the book on materials selection, adoption, and implementation, and we’ve partnered with schools and districts across the state of Texas to support their work.
Learn more about our services and how we’ll work together.

Ready to start planning?
Schedule a free consultation with me to learn more about your grant options, the application process, and partnering with us in the work.