Instruction Partners is a Texas Education Agency Approved Provider

Your curriculum and instruction decisions. Our services and supports.

We partner with districts across Texas to provide services for TEA grants—collaborating with district leaders to create tailored and sustainable plans that build leader capacity, empower educators, and improve student learning outcomes.

Our Texas-based team knows that no two Texas districts are alike; each school has its own unique needs and goals. Instruction Partners has deep experience supporting urban, suburban, and rural Texas districts and charters with implementation of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), high-quality professional learning (HQPL), and instructional leadership. 

Together, we’ll develop a strong, research-based math or literacy instructional framework to ensure high-fidelity implementation.

Texas education grant services

Instruction Partners wrote the book on materials selection, adoption, and implementation, and we’ve partnered with schools and districts across the state of Texas to support their work. 

Learn more about our services and how we’ll work together.

Need help navigating TEA grants? Check out our LASO webinar recordings.

Deadline icon
Attention LASO Cycle 3 grant recipients!
Looking for a TEA-approved provider with deep experience in Texas?
Talk to Jaeil Kim, our Texas director of engagement.
—Karen Muller,
director of elementary curriculum and instruction, Katy ISD
“It was great to bring in a neutral party. [Instruction Partners] wasn't already for or against a specific program. The process needed to be about the learning and what we wanted to bring to our students. So that's why Instruction Partners really seemed like the right match for us.”
Jaeil Kim, Texas Director of Engagement

Ready to start planning?

Schedule a free consultation with me to learn more about your grant options, the application process, and partnering with us in the work.

Fill out the form below to contact me
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