Instruction Partners and Texas Partnership

Helping Texas educators realize a vision for excellent instruction

How we work—one size does not fit all

We know that solutions in education are never one-size-fits-all, which is why we work to build a plan that’s customized to your school, system, and team’s needs. Whether you and your team are adopting new high-quality materials, looking to build capacity, or creating a strategy to address various learning needs, Instruction Partners has deep experience supporting Texas instructional leaders in solving their unique educational challenges.

Instruction Partners is here to provide you and your instructional leadership team with help in two key instructional practices:

High-quality instructional materials (HQIM).

We help teams take a strategic approach to selecting and implementing HQIM.

Effective professional learning (PL).

We equip leaders with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to support effective, materials-aligned PL for their teams.

Download the Curriculum Support Guide

Our most popular resource—now customized specifically for educators in Texas! Download our free Texas Curriculum Support Guide to help select, adopt, and implement high-quality instructional materials (HQIM).

Texas CSG Workbook momckup
Percentage Growth in Proficiency

Tailored expertise

We are a nonprofit passionate about improving education for all students. Our team of former principals, teachers, and instructional coaches deeply understands Texas’ instructional landscape and has extensive experience in bringing targeted, proven solutions to schools and systems across the state. To date, Instruction Partners has worked with more than 30 Texas systems.

From SY2021 to SY2022, our partner schools in Texas reported a 12.7% growth in student proficiency compared to the statewide average of 8.5%, and 91% of partners outpaced state gains. 

Learn More about our TX Work

Instruction Partners is an approved provider for both the Strong Foundations Planning Grant for literacy and math and the Strong Foundations Implementation Grant for K–12 RLA and math. Additionally, we are a Vetted Improvement Program (VIP), with specific expertise in Levers 1, 2, 4 and 5. Through this VIP work, we are poised to support campuses identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement and/or Targeted Support and Improvement.

Texas Education Agency
Allison Mosely
Allison Mosley
Principal, Woodville ISD
"When I look back on the school year, and I look at the growth that the students have made, the teachers have made, and even myself as a campus leader, I know that all of that is a direct reflection of the partnership with Instruction Partners."

Work with us

Delivering excellent instruction is no small task, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone. When we partner with you, we work to understand your vision for transformational change and create a plan with you, not for you, to carry it out. Get in touch today to discuss how we can partner with you to meet your team’s specific needs.

Contact us


Did you know that you can use ESSER III funds to work with Instruction Partners? Check out our guide to obligating your remaining funds before the deadline.

Latest news

“East Texas Foundation Organizes Strategic Plan to Improve Early Literacy Education at Rural Schools”


“T.L.L. Temple Foundation grant to Instruction Partners will support early literacy instruction in East Texas.”


““Attagirls” Help, but Engaged Learning Helps More”



Our library of free tools helps instructional leaders, teachers, and coaches support, plan, and deliver great instruction. These tools have been downloaded thousands of times by educators and instructional leaders everywhere.

Texas Curriculum Support Guide

A Texas-specific version of our most popular tool, used by states, districts, and schools nationwide as a comprehensive guide to selecting, adopting, and implementing HQIM.


Professional Learning Conditions and Practices

Detailed action plans, rubrics, and guidance to help leaders strengthen two essential PL structures: 1) collaborative planning and 2) observation and feedback.


Early Literacy Playbook

Step-by-step guidance and ready-to-use tools for strengthening and monitoring early literacy across a school or system.


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