Webinar series:
Unpacking LASO Cycle 3
Strong Foundations Planning, Implementation, and Instructional Leadership
Your curriculum and instruction decisions. Our services and supports.
LASO Cycle 3 is a consolidated application cycle offering $160 million in supports and services to Texas LEAs.
The deadline for applications is December 13, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CT
Need support with your application? Talk to Jaeil Kim, our Texas director of engagement.
Instruction Partners is an approved provider for four grants under the Curriculum and Instruction learning acceleration strategy:
Strong Foundations Planning (SFP), Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI), SFI School Improvement PLC Supports, and Instructional Leadership.
Need some more insight into LASO? Watch our LASO webinar recordings to learn more about the different grant programs we support and how you can use TEA grant funding to achieve your instructional goals.
Webinar 1: What’s new and what’s changed in LASO Cycle 3
Jaeil Kim will dig into this year’s changes and breaks down the application process. Bring your questions about SFP, SFI, SFI SI PLC, and Instructional Leadership.
Attendees will:
- Gain clarity on major changes to the LASO grant program
- Learn more about different grant programs and pathways
- Get insight and tips on the application process
Webinar 2: A conversation with Newton ISD
Jaeil Kim will be joined by Newton ISD’s Tiffany Merriwether Hoffpauir to talk about Newton ISD’s work under Strong Foundations and Instructional Leadership (ESF grant).
Attendees will learn about:
- Newton ISD’s experience with Strong Foundations and ESF grants
- What a partnership with us looks like from a partner perspective
- Overcoming challenges during the grant process
You will receive access to both LASO webinar recordings in your inbox.
Tiffany Merriwether Hoffpauir, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Newton ISD
Tiffany currently serves as the director of curriculum, instruction, and assessment at Newton ISD, a 3A district in East Texas. Before transitioning to campus administration in 2014, she served as assistant principal and principal at the elementary and secondary levels. She is dedicated to ensuring that students in rural areas receive the same quality resources and opportunities as those in larger districts.

Jaeil Kim, Texas Director of Engagement, Instruction Partners
A former math teacher, department chair, instructional coach, and principal, Jaeil has extensive experience as an instructional leader and in managing and scaling programs across campuses and districts. At Instruction Partners, he is committed to supporting new partners as they establish effective instructional conditions and practices to drive leadership development and student success. Jaeil lives with his family in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Schedule a free consultation with me to learn more about your grant options, the application process, and partnering with us in the work.
Fill out the form below to contact me.