Rethinking Intervention takeaways and resources

The Rethinking Intervention project engages education leaders, researchers, and practitioners in deep conversations about what we know accelerates student learning.

Six big takeaways

  1. Relationships and learning are inseparably connected.
  2. What teachers expect of their students influences what students expect of themselves.
  3. Students engage and learn best from work that is challenging, relevant to their lives, and helps them understand and impact the world.
  4. Moving forward into new content with support will advance learning more than stopping and going back.
  5. Even a great plan will not work for all students; continuously monitoring, understanding, and meeting needs will.
  6. The way teachers support students mirrors the way leaders support teachers.

Below, explore the supporting resources for each takeaway, which are built to facilitate conversations in faculty meetings, PLCs, and cabinet discussions. You can access the combined takeaways, lessons learned, and leadership actions here.

Teacher and student expectations